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Bradbury Term 3 Chess Lessons 2023-2024 - Thursday


By bank transfer - please transfer to HSBC account “HOYINPINGCHESS”

  account no. 801 571498 838 (conventional cheque is not accepted)

By FPS, account “”

Please send copy of your bank transfer receipt by email to Ms. HO Yin Ping at 

Registration Form
Given names :*
Surname :*
Grade / Year :*
Class :
Student Number :
Home room teacher's name :
Go home :* by school bus by car pick up walker HKIS 4PM Activity
Are you student of this school*
Fee :* Lesson only Lesson + chess set Lesson + chess clock Lesson + chess set + chess clock
Payment :* By bank transfer Payment to be made within 24 hours
Transfer No.
1st contact telephone no. :*
2nd contact telephone no. :*
Email :*
Verification :*
For HKIS only I confirm I have read and understood the After-school conduct Expectations for my child to participate in After-school Activities.
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.